Monday 2 September 2013

Sugar Chalk and Fizz Fun

Today was the last day before school starts.  I thought the kids might have a bit of fun as pantry scientists.  We tried a couple of  experiments the first one using sugar and the second with vinegar and baking soda.
Sugar Chalk
Sugar chalk was easy for the kids to make.  They added a 1:1 ratio of sugar and water and poured it over the chalk.

Right away it started to fizz and bubble.

After soaking in the sugar mixture for one hour the store bought chalk was "pastel like" almost the same texture of our handmade chalk.

 I'd love to try sugar chalk again on a rainy indoor day using black construction paper.
Cheers break!

Next we made baking soda POP bags!
The kids wrapped a tablespoon of baking soda up in a paper towel and added it to one cup of vinegar mixed with 1/2 cup of water.  This worked for the first one but we had to play with the ratio for the next three times and believe me they will want to do this activity again and again!
Fizzing up and filling with air...

Claire listening to the fizzing of a bag that didn't quite reach its POP.
Most of the fun was in waiting for the loud POP. The biggest laugh came when the bag popped while I was holding it. I screamed of course,  This was before I knew there would be no explosion.
It was a good day and hopefully the kids will have something to write about in their journals besides...ate candy and went to the swimming hole!
(two of my favourite things)
Please feel free to share your recipes and photo's on our Facebook Page We would love to see them!

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